Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Day Two

DAY TWO has begun with a bit of a rocky start; I feel so tired!  I noticed last night, after Wee Man was down to bed, that I was really struggling with the no sugar thing.  It seems like as soon as he's in bed, we gather up loads of crappy foods, sit down and either watch the telly, chat, or read.  All of those things are pretty good, except for the obvious - the crappy food.

Emotional eating is my thing.  So last night I patted myself on the back for passing by the giant bowl of Hallowe'en candy, despite my heart being broken by Wee Man; he told me he didn't like me.

Good news is, I squeezed my moderately fat arse into my walking yoga pants, oh yes people, they do have those, and went for a 40 minute very brisk walk through the forest.  When I say very brisk walk, I'm not sure if it really was.  It felt like it.  There was a gray haired granny coming up quickly behind me, so I may be in worse shape than previously thought.

Also, I guess I need to start drinking water.  Why do I hate water so much?!  Sometimes when I'm downing what seems to be my 800th glass of H20 I think of all the people who would die (literally) to have it, just to try and encourage myself to drink it.  Who am I kidding?  I can't even remember the last time I had a glass of water.  Sick.



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