Thursday, November 5, 2009

Day Four

Am so proud of myself!  This morning I was in a meeting that started early enough that I couldn't get out for my morning walk.  I was pretty worried that this would mean the demise of the exercise portion of the 30-day challenge.  Then I thought I would just walk up to meet Wee Man at the bus stop; the round trip, walking very briskly would be about 40 minutes.  It was like the no exercise gods were out to get me today; the wind and rain started up something fierce and I knew the walk to the bus was not happening.

Wee Man, as it turns out, is totally sick.  He's running a fever and needed some TLC that only a Mom can deliver.  The plan to take him with me to the gym was now out too.  

After loads of love and attention the Wee Man drifted off and I made my break.  The gym was very unappealing at this point, so I bundled up, and walked to the library to return my giant sack of books, then to the video store, to return my giant stack of movies (and got more), got some cash for Saturday night, and made my way back home.  How productive was that???  Good gravy!  I am so stoked right now.

In the face of adversity I prevailed!  Go, me!

Still no sugar.

I walked a fine line at Whole Foods today; was my curried wheatberry salad (best.  salad. ever.) considered a take-away?  After much deliberation, I decided it was not.  If I'd indulged in their sandwiches or such like, it defo would've been a take-away.  I reasoned it out that we buy that salad as a side dish, so it couldn't be considered a take-away.  There is a bit of guilt there though.

I'm really proud of myself right now and it feels good.

Now, I shall put on my Super Mummy hat and go sneak in Wee Man's room to make sure he's okay.



Linds said...

I wouldn't consider curried wheatberry salad a 'take out" food, persay, as it's a side, and also it sounds pretty fucking healthy. There's a big difference between whole grains and whatever else is in that, than cream, fat and sugar. Don't sweat buying HEALTHY take out, Dear heart.


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