Grrr. When will I ever learn?! One day of relaxed eating is likely okay. Four days? Not good at all. My tummy is feeling, and looking, really chubby. Grrr.
- 553 calories on elliptical
-237 calories on treadmill
Total calories burned = 790
1/2 bran cereal with 1% milk & 2 medium-sized strawberries
2 x cuppas with 1% milk & Splenda™
1/2 cup chopped fresh strawberries
1 serving Kozy Shack™ no sugar added chocolate pudding
3 tbsp light Cool Whip™
1 cup vegan chili (made by moi)
1 tbsp sour cream
1/4 cup brown rice
750 ml of the skankiest tasting water around (from the gym fountain... ugh)
2 litres water flavoured with 1/2 strength Crystal Light™
1 ¼ cups homemade leek & potato soup - delicious!
A chunk of homemade sweet potato cornbread - delicious!
2 oven chips
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