... at the One of a Kind show killed me. Can you believe it? Only 2 days into all this and I could kick myself for yesterday. I'll get right into my food diary so y'all can see the mishaps.
Daily feast:
Oatmeal from Starbuck's with the dried fruit (totally acceptable breakfast)
Tall sugar-free, fat-free London Fog
Medium steeped tea from Tim Horton's with milk & one Splenda
Large slice of Mediterranean (man, I had a rough time spelling that!) pizza... uh oh, not the greatest decision, but have you tried buying healthy food at a giant craft show?! Not exactly the healthiest choices available.
Bottle of water
Free samples... deadly
I probably ate the equivalent of a chocolate bar in fat and calories worth of food samples. Fuuuuuuuck.
4.5 pints of Stella Artois (reassuringly expensive)
2 pieces of bread that were very reminiscent of a potato scone; a poor substitute for naan
Indian vegetable curry with jasmine rice
3 tall glasses of water
Oh yeah, I also ate about 10 Tic Tacs.
It had only been 2 days since I vowed to eat better when I decided to let sweet and very tasty morsels of badness pass over my lips. The guilt I am feeling about those stupid samples just isn't worth the yumminess. Jeebus. Did I really just think that? Hmm, maybe my mindset is actually starting to shift.
The Stella wasn't the best choice either, but boy did I have fun! Pretty sure all of downtown Toronto heard me singing, "Maaaaaamaaaaa ooooooh oooooh oooh, didn't mean to make you cry" etc, etc.
One thing that's definitely changed from the past is that today I didn't crawl out of bed feeling sorry for myself. I got up at 7:30 a.m., got showered, got the wee man up, and said hello to the World and felt genuinely happy. I've eaten properly today, which again, is not something I'd normally do the day after going out super late and drinking. I've gone for a walk with the guys, cleaned all the bathrooms, done 3 loads of laundry, swept the main floor & changed the bedding - not bad! I'm hoping to have burned some serious calories doing all of that.
Wanna know what I normally would've done the day after a late night and drinking? I'd normally have moaned a bit about getting up, been really grouchy (verging on mean) to everyone around me, winged about everything, stay unshowered and in my pajamas and eaten horribly unhealthy foods.
Yay me!
As much as I've beaten myself up for slipping a bit yesterday, I truly believe a few treats here and there may help me to not derail and binge in the future. I hate feeling deprived of treats, it leads to future disaster anyway.
Chub Club was great! I'm definitely going to go back. When I weighed myself on the scale at Chub Club, I was at 196.4 which of course is almost 2 pounds less than my scale. I'm not going to get excited about it because our scales could just be different. From now on though, I'll know where I'm at.
T (name withheld to protect the innocent) and I are glad to have joined up with J and her group of supporters for a greater self - Chub Club.
I do believe I hear the light hot chocolate calling to me from the cupboard. I'd hate to ignore it.
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