Well, life has been less productive.
I hit a new type of low today and figured it was time to get back on it. When I went into wee man's room this morning to wake him up for school (first day back from March Break), I was met with a tiny voice saying, "What happened to your pillow?" I knew this wasn't going to be anything good. Poor soul had vomited all over his bed and even his jammies were covered. The good news is, he is a little trooper and was happy to be taken care of by Mummy all day. Why is this important to my weight loss life? Wait for it... I intentionally took a bite of wee man's toast today, thinking that a bout of the tummy flu would help me get back on track. Oh my goodness. That is low.
I weighed myself this afternoon and I'm at 189. Yep, that means a gain of at least 9 pounds. 9 pounds of junk. 9 pounds of bullshit spouted to myself.
On Friday I went into Toronto with T and spent a nice evening having good conversation with three very positive and motivational ladies - thanks girls! There were hints and suggestions that it was likely time for me to get back on the train, there may have even been train whistle sounds!
So here I am. Feeling kind of squidgy, hoping I can get back on the train. Hoping. Ugh. My positive attitude will resurface, I just know it.
As much as I've indicated this blog is just for me, it's really flattering to know I have so many people caring for me and my well being. Thank you to all of you.
For now, I'll think of one of my favourite authors, Dr. Seuss and his wise words:
"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. You are the guy who'll decide where to go."
:) :)
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