The boys are back to work and school, and I went back to the gym. Whew! Wee man helped to prompt this. He likes to outline what is going on and he did his, "Daddy's going to work. Wee man's going to school. Mummy goes to the gym!" He sounded so happy that this regular routine was starting again that I didn't want to disappoint him. Would he ever know if I didn't go? No. Would I? Oh yeah.
1 cup fibre cereal with 1% milk (approx. 270 calories)
4 chick'n strips (190 calories)
1 tbsp light plum sauce (12.5 calories)
2 x cuppas with 1% milk & Splenda™
1 Astro yogurt cup (70 calories)
4 litres water flavoured with 1/4 strength Crystal Light
1 cup mashed potatoes - I know it's a lot, but oh so good and mustn't be denied
2 vegan sausages
1/4 cup vegan brown gravy
1/4 cup bright green, pop when you bite them, yummy peas
53 minutes (including cool down) on elliptical - burned 579 calories
22 minutes on treadmill - burned 175 calories
It's funny to me that when one thing falls into place, in this case my eating and gym habits, other things follow suit. I'm up to date on the laundry; had wee man's lunch ready for his arrival home from school; the beds are made (which sounds like nothing, but lately that's really something!); the recycling's done, etc, etc. It feels good. Really good.
I wasn't sure how today would go, but it's shaping up to be pretty great!
Nice! :)
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