50 minutes on elliptical - burned 563 calories
12 reps on each of the 9 weight machines & glute machine
15 reps on each of the inner & outer thigh machines
45 crunches & leg lifts
10 puke inducers
1 cup Fibre Plus Bran Flakes cereal with 1% milk
1 Timbit
1/2 container of tomato parmesan soup from Tim Horton's
1 soup roll (110 calories) with butter
3/4 cup vegan chili
2 cups pasta (whole wheat pasta; capers; rehydrated sun-dried tomatoes; light boccaccini cheese; omega oil; spices
2 slice demi baguette with light butter
Smoothie bar
Cuppa with milk & Splenda
2 litres water - one litre flavoured with Crystal Light (approx. 1/3 strength)
Good god. Am total pig.
I just swung on over to the Tim Horton's website and if you want to really shock yourself, go ahead and punch into the nutritional calculator what you'd eat. I ate one stupid little Timbit today. It took me all of 10 seconds to pop that sucker in my mouth, chew and barely enjoy it. Guess how many calories that sucker had? Go on, take a wild guess. I figure it would be 50 calories. Ha! 90! 90 friggin' calories. 11.26 minutes on the dreaded elliptical earns me one Timbit. Is it worth it? NO. I'm reeling. Seriously!
As for the indulgence of pasta... it was so worth it. I haven't made it in a long time and it was deeelicious. I feel like a complete hog though. Yikes.
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