Okay, yep it's me. Thank god.
Firstly, thank you to all who cared enough to send me comments and personal messages to get my ass in gear; I'm shifting at about 3rd right now.
Today was tough, but the toughest bit is over. I ate right; exercised; drank water; smiled; finished laundry that's been hanging over my head; made a kick ass chili; cleaned & swept the kitchen; grocery shopped; planned meals AND bonded with wee man. Actually, sounds like maybe I was in 5th gear today. Phew.
50 minutes on elliptical - burned 560 calories
12 reps on all 9 machines in weight circuit
15 reps on each of the inner & outer thigh machines
12 reps (on each leg) on the glute machines
45 crunches & leg lifts
10 puke inducers
1 cup Fibre cereal with Bran Flakes with 1% milk
10 delicious grapes (very crunchy, juicy, flavorful & sweet!)
1 packet pot noodles - not the best choice, but tasted yummy (380 cal.)
1 cup Prince of Wales tea... weak and unexciting... reminiscent of the man?
1 2/3 cup vegan chili made by me
1 very small slice of freshly baked multigrain demi baguette
1 small amount of lower fat butter to accompany delicious fresh out of the oven demi baguette
3.5 litres water (some lightly flavoured with Crystal light)
PC Smoothie Bar - 80 calories
The gym was very difficult today. I was telling a friend of mine that I was trying to find every excuse in the world to do less than I knew I should at the gym. When I was on the elliptical I was telling myself I wasn't going to do the weight circuit because I needed to go grocery shopping. Then when I was doing the weight circuit I was telling myself I wasn't going to do the mat work. Then while I was doing the mat work I was secretly beaming with pride because I actually did it all! Somehow it all just fell into place today. The grocery shopping got done, probably because I had a specific list, itemized into sections of the store - much quicker!
I'm loving life again today :)
Thanks again, all.
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