This week has been a bit of a bust as far as regular postings go, but it's not indicative of my successes on the gym front and eating right. In fact, the other day I tried running. Man oh man, it was tough and my legs were very sore the next morning, actually that was this morning. I can't seem to keep track of time!
I was so not into going to the gym today, but I did it anyway. What excuse do I have? Work? Nope. School? Nope. The workout was sweat-laden but I felt so good once I was done, really invigorated and inspired by my own get up and go. Despite my legs protesting, I ran again today and did quite well.
Silly thing is, one of my goals is to be able to outrun an attacker. Isn't that insane? Geez. I have this total fear that someone will be stalking me at night or something, but I'll be so out of shape and lardy that I won't be able to get away. I'll be like a porcupine, only I don't have any fancy quills I can shoot out! Oh yeah, I'm not inviting any potential attackers to challenge me!!
My food has been going well, but I use that term loosely; I've not been eating enough. It's not intentional starving, just that I can't seem to find enough time in the day at the mo'. I always eat breakfast, but lunch is a miss these days and dinner has been too because Graham hasn't been home from work until really late this week, so the first chance I get to sit down properly isn't 'til about 9 p.m. Once that time rolls around, I can't be eating, so I just avoid it all together and have a cup of tea instead. So not good. Amazing how comforting tea can be to an empty stomach though!
Total side note: I just ran up a flight of stairs at top speed to get the phone, and was met with, "Uuhh, hello? Yes ma'am can I speak to the owner of the house?" NO! Dammit, don't you know how much it hurt to just sprint up the stairs with my aching legs. Frig.
Anyway, my goal for next week is to keep up with the gym, as well as manage my time a bit better. Wee Man and I are going to my parent's house for a visit next week and I'm pretty nervous about the eating style that goes on there, and also the fact that I'd like to still go to the gym, but it's a whole city away (it'd be like driving from Oakville to Burlington), but I know they won't get it. They'll just want me to use their home equipment, but I can't get into the swing of it all unless I'm actually at the gym. Maybe I'll have to "Suck it up, cupcake", grow a set and just tell them I'm going!
It's official. I joined and paid for the running clinic! The clinic starts on August 11th and goes for 8 weeks. I sure hope I can do this. I hope to have the wise thoughts of The Little Engine that Could: "I think I can! I think I can!" and then, "I knew I could! I knew I could!" A little faith in myself wouldn't go amiss.
I'll step on the scale tomorrow morning and post the results here. The weight loss is slow moving this time around. I think my body's trying to punish me for all the roller coaster ups and downs.
Any runners out there, I'd love to hear some tips. Also, some good vegetarian recipes would be very welcome too... from anyone, not just runners :p
1 cup Special K Cinnamon Pecan cereal (to die for) with 1% milk (approx. 175 cal.)
1 frozen yogurt popsicle (50 calories)
1 glass Coke Zero (pretty self explanatory on the calorie value!)
That is it... can you believe that?!
- 507 calories on elliptical
- 213 calories on treadmill (ran one minute on, one minute off)
Wow...Running?!?! You are hard core miss thang! mmmhmmmm...That's awesome. I too would like to be able to outrun an attacker. I'd be counting on fear and adrenaline in that situation! Great job Allison. But seriously girl...you need to eat more! xo
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