No, it's not a disco inferno. It's a workout. A painful one. My legs already hurt from doing the treadmill workout that J gave me. Hard work. Lots of sweat. Only 161 calories burned. Ouch. Those innocent 100 calorie bags of snacks are looking less appealing. I'll still eat them though!
I'm actually really struggling today. I should never have boasted about being in such a good mood because it's all come crumbling down around me. Unbearable is what I am today. You know the bitchy Moms y'all see in the mall, scolding their children? Yep, that's me today. To my credit the wee man is impossible to potty train, won't eat anything, runs around like a maniac and won't listen to a word I say. He drives me nuts. I'm actually at my wits end. It's a good thing I love him so much! I haven't done any comfort eating, and for this I am glad. Only thing is, I really want to. I think maybe I'll go shed a tear or two into a good cuppa.
I'm like a ticking time bomb.
Food diary:
Petit dejeuner
1/3 large flake oatmeal cooked with 1/3 cup 1% milk, one packet of Splenda and cinnamon
Cuppa with milk & Splenda
1 smallish Fuji apple
Cuppa with milk and one Splenda
1 litre water (over the course of breakfast and snack)
1 cup of whole wheat pasta with unsweetened pumpkin puree and veggie sausage
1/2 litre water flavoured with 1/4 strength Crystal Light
1 Yves veggie burger
1 Weight Watchers whole wheat bun
Lettuce; 1/2 tbsp light mayo; 1 tbsp whole grain dijon mustard (scrummy!); onions & 1/2 a red pepper; 1/2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp green peas
2 tbsp corn
1/2 cup mashed potatoes with minimal butter & milk
Apres supper
Cup of (light) hot chocolate (45 cal.)
Crazy healthy and yummy oatmeal raisin cookie (85 cal.)
1/2 litre water flavoured with 1/4 strength Crystal Light
Today's GOISF:
When I was pregnant I wanted ice cream all the time. Pretty much every day I would eat one of those yummy tubs of Haagen-Dazs or Ben & Jerry's or this really yummy soy ice cream I found that had black cherries and dark chocolate... so good. Everyone kept warning me, maybe a bit too gently... "Cupcake, ice cream is such a quick way to put on..." and before they even really got that far all I could hear was Charlie Brown's teacher. I knew what I was doing was wrong, but it felt so good. I gained almost 55 pounds when I was pregnant. So totally unhealthy. Sometimes I wonder if that's why the wee man was almost a month early. Was he suffocating in my fat womb? I harbor major guilt about it and he's almost 3 years old.
I didn't cave. My emotions didn't get the better of me. Yay me!
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