So yeah, I'm pretty sure I gained at least 2 pounds this weekend whilst at my parent's house. I can't really say I slipped, I just made a decision to not fuss about what I was eating. Was it a mistake? Maybe. I felt awful all weekend because my tummy was terribly upset. My portion sizes at home are quite small and light compared to how my parents fed me. For the most part they provided healthy options, but there were just too many yummy things on offer!
My blood pressure seems to be really low these days, according to my parent's blood pressure machine, so I'm going to go to the Doctor. I'd noticed I was feeling a bit faint, but wasn't able to sleep so I thought I might have high blood pressure, but that's not the case. Over the course of the weekend I checked my pressure several times with the highest coming in at 91 over 56 and the lowest at 86 over 52. The average blood pressure is 120 over 80! Meh, I'm sure it's nothing.
1 cup Guardian cereal with 1% milk
3 litre water
3 x cuppa with milk & Splenda
1 cup Fibre Plus with Bran Flakes cereal with 1% milk
1 large organic Golden Delicious apple
1 Mini Babybel cheese (60 cal)
4 fake chicken strips
5 pumpkin filled pasta thingys (the technical term)
2 tbsp tomato sauce
2 thin slices of demi-baguette
1 tsp butter
1 Laura Secord chocolate
Individual sized f/f s/f yogurt cup
50 minutes on elliptical - burned 550 calories
As it turns out, I can't seem to work out as well when the Communists are visiting (use your imagination). Just like last month I thought I was going to keel over when I was on the elliptical. I finished the 50 minutes, but I couldn't continue on to the weight machines and I feel gutted about it. Now I have to work even harder for the rest of the week.
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