Yep, I did it! I went to the gym again today. Damn, I'm thrilled with myself :)
1 hour Body Pump class (weight bar; hand weights; floor work, etc)
35 minutes on elliptical (- 432 calories)
1 cup Raisin Bran cereal with 1% milk
2 litres water
1 Amy's Veggie Loaf meal - scrummy!
1 raisin tea biscuit with light butter & 1 tsp jam (good god it was yummy)
10 small grapes
1 stick bubblemint gum
Vegetable stir-fry, including the strange kohlrabi. As it turns out, kohlrabi is yummy! Yay for trying new things :) It tasted like a very mild cabbage and is apparently very good for you. I made a super yummy almond butter; Braggs; liquid smoke and rice vinegar sauce for the stir-fry and I really out did myself - it was SO GOOD!
1/3 cup basmati rice
More tea
One more raisin tea biscuit with the above fixins. My Dad bought 6 raisin tea biscuits during their visit here on the weekend and they left all of them in the freezer. I must throw out the remaining tea biscuits, as nobody else in the house likes them.
I'm feeling really positive! The raisin biscuits weren't the best choice today and the almond butter sauce wasn't the lowest in fat, but damn did I really taste and enjoy my dinner! I won't rip the snot out of myself today. I will just relax with another cuppa, smile, and be proud of myself for all that I've accomplished today.
Goodnight y'all.
Thank you very much to all my friends that have listened to me wingeing about how fat I am, etc. A new me is on the horizon and I like her!
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