I'm tired, so this is going to be pretty down to business style.
1 cup Guardian cereal with 1% milk
1/2 cup f/f s/f yogurt... getting used to it now
6 organic dry-roasted almonds
1 egg salad sandwich on whole wheat from Tim Horton's
1 can Diet Pepsi
Cuppa (yes)
2 mini veggie samosas
1/2 wee pizza
1 large organic carrot
6 medium strawberries
Approx. 8 multigrain tortilla chips
Approx. 3 tbsp salsa
4-5 veggie meatballs
Countless edamame
3 thin slices of demi-baguette
1/2 tbsp light butter
4 cinnamon brown rice chips
Very small amounts of tamarind sauce & Thai chili sauce
1.5 litres water
More Diet Pepsi
1 Laura Secord chocolate
Frig, Friday night 'treat night' really kills me. I totally went overboard this Friday.
50 minutes on elliptical - burned 525 calories
12 reps on each of the 9 weight circuit machines + inner and outer thigh machines
35 crunches
35 leg lifts
10 puke inducers
Minimal stretching
Best of luck to me at my weigh-in tomorrow. Boo. I was going to do so well before this pig fest! Oh well, sunshine and rainbows, sunshine and rainbows...
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