Yep, it's true. I'm such a jockette now that I've got a sports related injury! As I mentioned in a previous post, my Achilles tendon has been aching away like crazy. I'd been hoping the pain would just go away, but no such luck. Last night when I stood up to go to bed, my Achilles started (for lack of a better word) squeaking! I made Graham put his finger on it and I moved my foot up and down, you could actually feel the squeakiness. Cue shudder!
After my workout this morning, I went to the clinic, also located in my grocery store (what doesn't this place have?!). The Doctor confirmed that my tendon is inflamed and needs attended to or it will tear. Again, cue shudder.
She gave me a prescription for something called, Naproxen and recommended that I ice my tendon after working out and then again in the evening. There is a really cool product (pun intended) that is like a cold tensor bandage, called Ice Tape. I wasn't looking forward to elevating my ankle whilst trying to hold an ice pack on it and now I don't have to worry about it - yay!
1 cup Guardian cereal with 1% milk
1 cup Amy's way too salty lentil & vegetable soup (150 cal)
1 whole wheat English muffin (140 cal)
1.5 tbsp cream cheese
1/2 litre water... ouch... must drink more!
1 cup mixed fresh fruit: strawberries, blueberries & (minimal) grapes
1/2 f/f s/f yucky yogurt
Cuppa with the usual suspects
1/3 cup brown rice
1 1/4 cup stir-fry including every vegetable on the planet & some tempeh and chick'n
Approx. 2 tbsp stir-fry sauce = demonic almond butter, rice vinegar, liquid smoke & Bragg's
1 litre flavoured water (no calories)
1 Laura Secord dark chocolate
50 minutes on elliptical - burned 521 calories
Ugh. I took my first Naproxen and I'm feeling a bit icky. My tummy is making all sorts of horrible noises. Sewer backing up styley-o. Let's hope that doesn't continue for the next 10 days!
OUCH! Sounds painful. But hey! Way to be a jock! :)
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