The snow is really starting to get to me! The pile at the end of our driveway is about 7' tall and growing. It's times like these when I miss the rain. Did I really just say that?! Actually, I missed the rain quite a lot when we first moved here. It just felt so foreign not having the rain. One really great thing about winter here is that it's almost always sunny and that is something that was seriously lacking in a B.C. winter.
This morning was super challenging in many ways. Wee man got the bus to school today and he was excited until it was time to actually get on the bus. He dug his heels in and tried to bury his head in my legs. Without getting into all the heartbreak, let's just say I choked back the tears until I could turn around and not have him see. It was bad. Let's hope tomorrow is a bit brighter. Good news is, when he was dropped off he was in great spirits! Life is such a series of challenges, for all of us.
I almost bailed on the gym this morning because I was crying and tired, but I went anyway. Normally I would try to do it for myself, but today I had to channel my love for wee man.
The Oakville location of the gym is much cleaner and newer than the Hamilton one, but it's not got my favourite elliptical! Boo urns. Nonetheless I slogged through 45 minutes on the elliptical, not feeling at all gazelle like. Sounds idiotic, but my fav elliptical made me feel like I was a gazelle or something really light and floaty. Meh. I'm sure I'll get there with this new one.
- 45 minutes on treadmill = (480 calories)
- Weight circuit; 12 reps each of the 9 machines
- 30 crunches
- 30 leg lifts (legs up toward ceiling; one leg slowly lowered to floor and then back up again, etc)
- 8 puke inducers (legs up toward ceiling, toes pointed, trace small circles, each circle taking a count of 10)
- 1 cup Raisin Bran with 1% milk (180 cal. for the cereal; approx. 35 cal. for milk = 215 cal)
- 1 litre water
- Amy's veggie loaf meal (290 cal.)
- 1 cup light hot chocolate (45 cal.)
- One large organic Golden Delicious apple (approx. 101 calories according to the almighty internet)
- One package of Crystal Light (10 cal.)
- 3/4 cup of Ginger Butternut Lentil soup, made by moi (super delicious!)
- 1 slice burrito pie, also made by moi and yep, you guessed it - super delicious!
- Cuppa
- 1 Laura Secord 72% dark chocolate = 50 cal.
My tummy's burbling and making funny sounds.
As a side note, there are 3 cookbooks that I use on a very regular basis; How It All Vegan; The Garden of Vegan and La Dolce Vegan. Recently T very kindly bought me a traveler's size cookbook by one of the same gals, called Vegan a Go-Go! and I'm super stoked about using this one as well. The recipes in these books are healthy, hearty and are very kind to our earth. If you're interested, please check out the website.
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