The crap thing about going to the gym 1/2 hour later is that approximately 1 1/4 hours into my workout, the bakery downstairs (remember my gym is in the upstairs of a grocery store) started baking bread. In the words of Stewy, "Jeesusufferingfuck!" how cruel is that?! At first my head was in denial of the sweet smell. It just didn't make sense. Then as I was lying on the floor doing my crunches I realized it was true. I was smelling freshly baked, or baking, bread. That's just mean... but funny too!
I thought for sure I'd have a difficult time at the gym today because my mood was so foul this morning when I got up for the 800th time, but no. Also I've been having a bit of a pain around my Achilles tendon and I thought for sure it would give me grief. Actually, I was plotting my excuse for not completing my minimum 500 calories burn-off on the Achilles issue. What a scoundrel. As it turns out I rocked at the gym today.
1 cup Raisin Bran cereal with 1% milk
1 litre water (must up the water ante)
1 small oat bagel
2 tbsp cream cheese
3/4 cup fat-free, sugar-free yogurt (I bought a new flavour today and it's gross! Of course I hate wasting food, so I'll eat it, but ewwww!)
1 Laura Secord chocolate (50 calories... bad choice because now I don't have a snack for later this evening)
5 organic dry-roasted almonds
1/2 cup whole wheat spaghetti tossed in tomato sauce
3 thin slices of demi-baguette, aka baby baguette with less fat butter
1 cup potato leek soup, made by moi and SCRUMMY!
50 minutes (incl. cool down) on elliptical - burned 519 calories
12 reps of each machine in weight circuit. I upped the weights to the next setting below! She-Ra Princess of Power!
Added the inner and outer thigh machines (12 reps)
35 crunches - upped by 5
35 leg lifts - upped by 5
10 puke inducers - upped by 2
I've been super productive today and feel great for it, albeit quite wiped out. I'm fast-forwarding in my head right now to 9 p.m. when I finally sit down with a cuppa and watch Being Erica - I love this show!
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