Damn! My back is sorrrrrre to day. I should start stretching more... it's just a good thing to do for many reasons. I slept like a log last night. In fact, I even slept through the tail end of Corrie! Now anyone who knows me, knows that I love Corrie, so it's clear that I was knackered last night. I suppose the night time Advil cold and sinus helped a touch too. I am struggling to fight off a stubborn cold or flu, something that's making me feel tired and making my ear squeak!
1 cup Raisin Bran combined with Kellogg's Guardian cereal with 1% milk.
Cuppa with milk and EXTERMINATE! I'm a fiend for this chemical crap. Help!
1 whole wheat English muffin (130 cal)
1 tbsp cream cheese (45 cal)
1 tbsp nsa jam (20 cal)
1/2 cup homemade potato leek soup
1 ear of corn with less butter than I've ever used!
1/2 whole wheat English muffin
1 tsp cream cheese
5 oven chips
Small amount of pan-fried onion & red pepper
1/2 Laura Secord chocolate (25 cal)
1.5 litres water
1/2 can Diet Pepsi
3/4 large organic Golden Delicious apple
52 minutes on elliptical - burned 513 calories.
I struggled today. I can admit it. I went slower than usual and really felt it. At about 1/2 my back really started to hurt and my right foot was beginning to fall asleep. All very odd. I got smart and changed the music I was listening to (The Ramones) and moved over to Queen Latifah. Somehow the Queen always gets me through it. Of course I'm talking older Queen Latifah, not her stuff now.
I'm really looking forward to watching the Biggest Loser tonight with T. We were laughing at ourselves because we look forward to Tuesday nights, as we can hang out in our jammies and watch an inspirational t.v. show together. Such dorks!
So upon review, I think I'm eating too many starches and not enough veggies. More water. More veggies. Le sigh.
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