After I dropped wee man off today I wasn't feeling up to going to the gym, so I got in the left hand turning lane from the school. Luckily there was a red light. I zoomed over to the right hand lane in a mad panic that I almost didn't go to the gym. Seems like I have every excuse in the world ready for why I shouldn't go to the gym. Cool thing is, I went. It was a hard workout, but I made it!
45 minutes treadmill - 400 calories burned
Loads of different tummy exercises
30 minutes shoveling the driveway - BOO
4 cups vegan chili
3 litres water
2 1/2 cuppas
1 mini Babybel (60 cal.)
20 oven chips (bad choice!)
10 Smarties (ack!)
6 medium strawberries
2/3 cup yogurt (fat-free/sugar-free)
1 piece bubblemint gum
In the spirit of trying new things, I bought kohlrabi. The weird thing is, I had a dream about it last night. Seemed like a sign that I should try it. Now I just have to seek out a recipe for this strange and oddly heavy vegetable.
So my goal has been set. I want to weigh 145 pounds by May of this year. This means I will have to lose 4 pounds weekly for the next 17 weeks. Game on!
Good for you for going to the gym and not making excuses! once you make it a routine it becomes easier, and dare I say it - fun. Yay for goals.... Looking forward to more writing. Should see you soon. Maybe that pedicure??
Thanks, sweetie! I am starting to come around (slowly) to the idea that the gym can be fun. The fun bit so far is watching those calories click away on the monitor :)
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