Tuesday, February 10, 2009

In time, maybe?

Despite recent successes, I still have this lingering self loathing.  Certainly the writing in my blog has changed from my "...pathetic attempt to hog the brownie" ala Bridget Jones' Diary, to a more upbeat, productive and healthy person.  Alas a person cannot be defined only by what they do and despite the old adage, "You are what you eat", I'm not feeling overly fantastic.  

I force myself to write the positive words, and pathetically smile at myself in the change room at the shops.  I hope to convince my brain, or maybe retrain it, to believe that I am lovely and all that stuff we're supposed to think of ourselves.  It's just not happening.

I guess I've got some work to do.  Thing is, I could never convince myself to love someone else, so how does one begin to love oneself?  Food for thought anyway.

1 cup Guardian cereal with 1% milk
2 x Cuppa with milk & Splenda
1 hunk of vegetarian Shepherd's pie (homemade)
1 can Diet Pepsi
3 litres water
1 package PC Wheat Bran bites - they're just okay
6 organic dry-roasted almonds
1 Amy's loaf meal thingy
100 calorie packet of trashy filth that I never should've purchased

50 minutes on elliptical - burned 549 calories

One thing I am excited about is PC have come out with (fake) chicken strips for vegetarians! This is very cool.  As much as Galen Weston Jr. is really annoying, I totally appreciate PC's new Blue Menu items, as well as the existing products.  Being vegetarian can be quite costly and time consuming.  When a grocery store takes the time to create new vegetarian items that are clearly labeled, meaning I don't have to meticulously read the labels, I am thrilled and they can be guaranteed to get some regular business from me.  One issue I do have with the Superstore is that so often I go in there with the intention of buying something in particular and they don't have it in stock.  Tip for the Superstore:  If you are going to advertise your products and try to get us excited about them, you might want to make sure you keep them fully stocked.  Just a thought.

Feeling sinfully guilty about eating to snack packs of trash today.  Will I never learn?!  I cannot handle the snack packs in the house.  I'm just not that strong yet.



Anonymous said...

I bought the new PC Banana Bread Bites this weekend, we're enjoying them. :)


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